Problems with CRLF

Adnan Maolood <me (a)>

Using CRLF to terminate response headers allows a server to get away
with the following response:

	10 This META is more than one line long\n
	I bet your client can't handle this\n
	The end\r\n

I propose that response headers should be LF-terminated lines.
This would remove this loophole, but should also be a
backwards-compatible change as the last CR could be ignored.

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Arav K. <nothien (a)>

On Thu Nov 5, 2020 at 4:05 PM WAT, Adnan Maolood wrote:
> Using CRLF to terminate response headers allows a server to get away
> with the following response:
> 10 This META is more than one line long\n
> I bet your client can't handle this\n
> The end\r\n

I will check myself, but I don't think most clients would throw up when
faced with input like this.  I thought it's a common way to present
multi-line input prompts.  If it's not, that's also fine, but I don't
see this being so big of an issue that the spec needs to be changed.

Most 'proper' clients (i.e. not shell scripts) should have absolutely no
problem dealing with this.  Shell scripts will certainly have to be wary
with assuming it's a single line, but even then, no biggie.  Perhaps we
can provide this as a Gemini torture test (if it isn't already one), as
I know many clients do check against that.

~aravk | ~nothien

Link to individual message.

Adnan Maolood <me (a)>

On Thu Nov 5, 2020 at 11:23 AM EST, Arav K. wrote:
> I will check myself, but I don't think most clients would throw up when
> faced with input like this. I thought it's a common way to present
> multi-line input prompts. If it's not, that's also fine, but I don't
> see this being so big of an issue that the spec needs to be changed.
> Most 'proper' clients (i.e. not shell scripts) should have absolutely no
> problem dealing with this. Shell scripts will certainly have to be wary
> with assuming it's a single line, but even then, no biggie. Perhaps we
> can provide this as a Gemini torture test (if it isn't already one), as
> I know many clients do check against that.

I was not aware that this was a common thing to do.
If it is, and it is desirable, then I agree that it should be a client
torture test. It could also be mentioned in the specification so that
client authors can be aware.

As a side-note, are clients expected to append a colon to the end of the
input prompt? I have seen some clients do that, and wasn't sure if that
was a standard thing.

Link to individual message. <colecmac (a)>

> As a side-note, are clients expected to append a colon to the end of the
> input prompt? I have seen some clients do that, and wasn't sure if that
> was a standard thing.

Definitely not expected, no. Personally, I don't think it's a good idea,
as input prompts can turn out like this:

What is your name?:

Enter your name::

Secret passcode, please.:

In my opinion it's much better to just make it obvious to the user that
input is being asked for, and let the server send what it chooses.


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Philip Linde <linde.philip (a)>

On Thu, 05 Nov 2020 16:23:17 +0100
"Arav K." <nothien at> wrote:

> On Thu Nov 5, 2020 at 4:05 PM WAT, Adnan Maolood wrote:
> > Using CRLF to terminate response headers allows a server to get away
> > with the following response:
> >
> > 10 This META is more than one line long\n
> > I bet your client can't handle this\n
> > The end\r\n
> I will check myself, but I don't think most clients would throw up when
> faced with input like this.  I thought it's a common way to present
> multi-line input prompts.  If it's not, that's also fine, but I don't
> see this being so big of an issue that the spec needs to be changed.

If there is some ambiguity, I think it should be addressed. According
to the spec, a response consists of a "single CRLF-terminated header
line". Semantically, "\n" (line feed) feeds a new line. In that sense
a response per that example contains multiple lines of which only one
is "CRLF terminated".

Because the exact definition of a line is not specified, I guess there

line feeds and I think other implementers should too because it's
clearly not in the spirit of the spec that a status line should
represent more than a single line.


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