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JetForce vs. Molly Brown Server: CGI-variable SCRIPT_NAME is not present

Omar Polo op at omarpolo.com

Tue Apr 13 16:18:29 BST 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Frank Jüdes <Frank.Juedes at linux4specialists.com> writes:

Hi Stephane,
Thank you very much for the update. That leaves me with three options now:
1. Try again to install Pythron 3.7+ on my stubborn development machine
(Oracle Lunix 7…)
2. Learn go really quickly and fork the Molly Brown server - i will
call it »the sunken Molly Brown server« in that case
3. Write my own gemini server from scratch in perl
It really looks like only Molly Brown and JetForce have a usable
CGI-implementation. We should call it GGI, btw: Gemini Gateway
Interface to distinguish it from CGI.

They're definitely not the only one: GLV-1.12556 and gmid (disclaimer:I'm the author) have a complete CGI support. GLV-1.12556 has even morethings, such as SGCI support; and you may want to count vger in thatlist too, even it's a little limited in this regard.

Also, why reinvent the wheel and find another name when the CGIspecification, modulo one or two environment variables (REQUEST_METHOD -and is debatable), maps well to Gemini?

Best regards from Charleston (WV),
On 2021-04-13 03:09, Alexis wrote:
Stephane Bortzmeyer <stephane at sources.org> writes:
I did not find a public issue tracker for MollyBrown, and the one patch
I sent to the author went unanswered.
i.e. one you don't have to register for? Because otherwise:
Still, yeah, Solderpunk isn't around much nowadays; i sent a patch
for the telem BBS in September last year, and i believe it's not yet
applied ....
(i also submitted a couple of patches for Elpher seven months ago,
adding link numbering, but Elpher's maintainer doesn't seem to be
active either.)