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Werner Icking Music�Archive
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La Spagne�
Dance for five instruments
Bassus�(primus) - edited by
Christian Mondrup - with M-Tx-source.
Nymphes des bois�
D�ploration sur la mort de Jean Ockeghem, lyrics by Jean Molinet, for 5 part choir, edited by Fran�ois-Xavier Chauchat
- with Finale 2001-source
Ave Verum�
Mottetto a 2-3 voci per soprano, contralto e
tenore - edited by
Luigi Cataldi
Domine, non secundum peccata nostra�
Mottetto a 2-3 voci per soprano, contralto e tenore - edited by
Luigi Cataldi
O Domine Jesu Christe�
Mottetto a 4 voci per soprano, contralto, tenore e basso - edited by
Luigi Cataldi
Qui velatus facie fuisti�
Mottetto a 4 voci per soprano, contralto, tenore e basso - edited by
Luigi Cataldi
Tu solus qui facis mirabilia�
Mottetto a 4 voci per soprano, contralto, tenore e basso - edited by
Luigi Cataldi
- Missa Pange Lingua
for choir SATB, typeset with MusiXTeX by Moriwaki
Michio, M.A.B.
Music Archive Home | Other Composers | Event Log of New Scores | Event Log of Revised Scores
2001-02-08, Werner Icking (1943-2001), GMD
2002-04-07, Christian Mondrup, Werner Icking Music