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[users] kiln version 0.2.0 alpha

Adnan Maolood me at adnano.co

Mon Apr 26 19:52:21 BST 2021

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kiln (a simple static site generator) has undergone a lot of changessince 0.1.0. Major changes include:

- Configuration uses TOML format- Frontmatter support- Extensible with external commands- Static content directory for static files- Support for building sites with multiple types of content, not just Gemini text

I plan on releasing version 0.2.0 soon, but would like to gatherfeedback before doing so. Feedback from existing users would beappreciated!

You can read more (and reply with your thoughts) at:https://lists.sr.ht/~adnano/kiln-discuss/%3CCAW4V8HEESR9.1VI2KEZP6K2UW%40nitro%3E