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The geminauts (Was: Gempub 1.0.0 ; A new eBook format based on Gemini Protocol's Gemtext

Devin Prater r.d.t.prater at gmail.com

Tue Apr 27 14:03:12 BST 2021

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Yep. I moved my blog from a static site generator to Gemini. I mean, itsbasically my site now. I love not having to depend on a theme and theclutter and bloat of HTML+CSS+JS. Like, my stuff is just plain Gemtext tiedtogether with index.gmi files. I'm eventually gonna try to get more blindpeople into it, because it's so easy to write. And WinSCP is such a greatand easy program to connect to the tilde that I'm a part of, so I can justuse that almost like Tramp in Emacs, just open, write, save, and boom,content! I mean I know I can just do Nano on the remote server but thecursor lag is just enough to make me nervous that my screen reader wouldget confused.Devin Praterr.d.t.prater at gmail.com

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 6:40 AM Jason Evans <jsevans at mailfence.com> wrote:

I'm 43, first got online in 1996, and missed out on Gopher. IMO, Web
2.0, social media, and web apps were all mistakes and things only got worse
from there.
Nonetheless, here I am learning React for my day job.
I'm also 43. I started in 1995 with a trip to the University library my
senior year of high school. I love minimalist low-bandwidth, high-content
internet like text-friendly websites, Usenet, and IRC. I've actually been
running my own Usenet server since last year, and would one day love to
start a custom telnet/ssh bbs (not just a dos emulated one). My gemini
capsule is at gemini://gemini.theuse.net. It doesn't have a ton of new
content yet, but I'm slowly working on it. It's mostly archives of my
wordpress blog for now.
Best Regards,
Jason Evans
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