[ANN] A new flight journal! gemini://cetacean.club

Cadey Alicia Ratio <cadey (a) firemail.cc>

Hi all,

I've been hacking at gemini for a day or two and have decided to put my
own flight journal up at gemini://cetacean.club. I plan to have this be
more of a diary than my other blog https://christine.website/blog. Right
now it's being served using https://github.com/mbrubeck/agate, but I'm
working on making my own server based on a framework I'm building called
maj (https://tulpa.dev/cadey/maj). I also have a sketch of a curses
client I'm calling majc for now. You can find out more about it at
gemini://cetacean.club/maj/majc.gmi. It's currently pre-alpha, but
things are being implemented quickly.

I may also do some other fun things like making a gitea->gemini gateway,
but that will come in time.

The gemini protocol really can be implemented in the span of a weekend!

Really excited to be joining the community, I hope to help out how I

Cadey Ratio

Link to individual message.

Jason McBrayer <jmcbray (a) carcosa.net>

"Cadey Alicia Ratio" <cadey at firemail.cc> writes:

> Really excited to be joining the community, I hope to help out how I
> can!

Welcome aboard!

| Jason F. McBrayer                    jmcbray at carcosa.net  |
| A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, |
| even though we do not love it.            -- Dogen        |

Link to individual message.


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