Oliver Simmons oliversimmo at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 11:14:27 BST 2021
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On Sat, 5 Jun 2021 at 08:12, Omar Polo <op at omarpolo.com> wrote:
Realistically, it also depends on the clients. One cool thing that may
be done over Gemini, but I'm not sure about client support, is streaming
text/gemini pages. One could, for instance, build a "Feed" (or a
"Notification" page) that keeps the connection open and sends the
updates to the client on the fly.
Lagrange even supports streaming audio files, Internet Radio overGemini is a possible thing to do :)The main issue with streaming content over Gemini is that alot ofservers don't send TLS close¹, and so there's no easy way to know ifsome has or hasn't ended. (I may have the details slightly wrong, as Idon't know much of the details)=
¹ https://gitlab.com/gemini-specification/protocol/-/issues/2
[0]: https://github.com/kr1sp1n/awesome-gemini#services
Didn't know this existed, neat repo!
---Oliver Simmons (GoodClover)