I just had an idea for a forum type thing that could be hosted on gemini. The big problem to solve would be how do I post content? input requests are very limiting, but works.
Instead, you could integrate email into the gemapp.
This could be done with sendto links where you click say a reply link, it opens your email to send a message to my@app.net with the subject 're:<post-id>'. When the message is sent, a new reply would be added to that post.
This feels similar to a mailling list, but not quite the same. There are probably plenty of reasons why this wouldn't work, but I would test it out if I didn't have so many other things I'm working on already.
7 months ago · 👍 mozz, giveemwatts, syntheist, satch
I was thinking of titan as well, but I frankly don't know enough about it. The lack of support for it is definitely a problem, but maybe there just needs to be more services that use titan for it to become more widely supported.
Do you know any good links for docs on titan? · 7 months ago
Consider titan for posting. It’s far from universally supported in Gemini clients, but it’s a good fit. But the email idea sounds nice too, and both types of input could be supported at the same time. · 7 months ago