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a space case for transparent gemtext compression

Robert Kosten gemini at list.robertkosten.de

Sat Jun 19 11:07:06 BST 2021

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I'm a lurker, but this discussion requires some commentary from the sidelines:

On 6/19/21 11:24 AM, Christian Seibold wrote:

Btw, soft Christmas lights can help many people, including some autistic people, as it can be used as a stimulant to calm them down.As a personed diagnosed on the autistic spectrum that cannot *stand* "christmas lights", especially the "animated" or blinking kind, for a multitude of reasons, I request you refrain from dragging my "tribe" into this discussion to support your arguments. It is neither valid as an argumentative strategy, nor is it particularly welcome.
What you consider useless or "commercial" some people might consider beautiful and a way to connect and relax and spend time with their families.Noone thinks of themselves as the villain.
Finally, light, especially candles, has been used very often across history for meditation, for centuries. It's used in Judaism, Christianity, Yoga, Islam, various eastern religions, etc.Go worship in the church of feature-creep then, but leave the atheists alone with your "traditions".
Again, this is all about perspective.

My perspective is:- Proposing an extension to the protocol is obviously against the core idea of gemini.- Proposing clients support an additional mime-type will lead to fracturing gem-space and is to be avoided. I for one will actively avoid any client that does this, it is *exactly* the kind of bloated "useful" features absent in gemini I find attractive.
