Adding gemini protocol to curl

Ben Burwell <ben (a)>

Hi all, I'm just starting to play around with gemini -- seems very

I have started writing a patch for curl which adds support for the
gemini protocol. I just joined the mailing list, so I am not sure if
anyone has already done any work with curl; I did see some mentions of
`gurl` tools in the archives but I did not see mention of curl itself.

My curl tree with the gemini patch is available here:

If you build it, you should be able to successfully run `curl
gemini://`. It's currently the result of about a
hour's worth of hacking, so beware of dragons. I plan to make it a bit
more robust as well as add better response header handling (think `curl
-i` -- right now they are just printed without being parsed at all),
redirect handling (think `curl -L`) and alternate URL handling (think
`curl -H`).

I suspect that a patch to add support for a new protocol would not be
accepted to the upstream curl project at least until there is a
finalized spec.

In the meantime, feel free to build/use this for non-production
purposes, and if anyone has already done work on this I'd be curious to
learn about it.


Link to individual message.

Julien Blanchard <julien (a)>

On Thu May 21, 2020 at 6:37 PM CEST, Ben Burwell wrote:
> My curl tree with the gemini patch is available here:

Has the repo moved? I get a 404.

Link to individual message.

Ben Burwell <gemini (a)>

On 2020-06-08 at 12:41 -04:00, Julien Blanchard <julien at> wrote:
> Has the repo moved? I get a 404.

Apologies, yes, I moved it over to

Link to individual message.


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