A quick note on adding things to the server/software lists

solderpunk <solderpunk (a) SDF.ORG>

Ahoy, Gemininauts!

It's great seeing the steady stream of new Gemini software and new
Gemini servers being announced.  I encourage people to keep sending
these to the list, to keep the community informed and to have a visible
indication of growth/activity.

I would encourage people to use the [ANN] subject-prefix for these
"announcement" type posts, so that people who want to can filter them
out from "actual discussion", just to make the list a bit easier to

I'm personally going to stop replying to those posts saying "Thanks,
I've added this to the list", just because it's taking a non-trivial
amount of time for me to do it and because I imagine it's just filling
everybody's inbox up with low-value emails.  So, please take it for
granted that I'll be following these announcements and adding them to
the relevant lists.  If you see that I've failed to do so after, say,
3 days from your initial post, feel free to email me a reminder

Finally, regarding the list of known-servers: there is now a similar
list at GUS (gemini://gus.guru/known-hosts) which is automatically
generated based on the crawler's explorations, and which you can
manually submit your server's URL to.  This list is basically guaranteed
to be a more reliable source of this information in the long term than
the list at gemini.circumlunar.space, which is updated manually by me.

Because there's a more reliable automated alternative and because
updating the list is taking me time that could otherwise be spent
hacking on Gemini or writing Gemini content, I've decided that once that
list hits 50 servers I will stop updating it.  So effectively it will
become a list of the first 50 Gemini servers, which will be a nice
little historical document to have around.  We're already getting to the
point where's it not a quick and easy thing to manually check out every
server in existence, and it makes a lot more sense to use search to find
stuff you're actually interested in.

So, in addition to making announcement posts here, please be sure to
also submit your server to GUS via the easy-to-find links at gus.guru.

I will still maintain the software list manually without limit for now,
because software is much harder to automatically detect than servers


Link to individual message.


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