David Messer davx8342 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 13:05:25 BST 2021
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Hey folks,
I've literally been in a whirlwind of joy for a couple of days now afterstumbling on a Gemini link on the Monome Norns forum. I love theminimalism, I love the simplicity, and it started me thinking about what Icould do with Gemini.
I've been looking at ideas for community projects but the thing about thatis I need a means for non-technical users to be able to contribute.
Am I correct in saying that as it stands there is no built-in way for usersto submit content via a multi-line free text field and that it completelyrelies on secondary means to get content onto the system running the Geminiserver?
I've seen some suggestions on the mailing list that include using a httpfrontend to submit content, emailing in content, etc. All of which arevalid use cases. To me, that's just adding complexity which is what I'mtrying to get away from with Gemini.
I had a very brief look at titan and inimeg but I don't think either ofthose is capable of allowing users to type longform text into a multi-linefree text box.
Has anyone else tried this or found a good way of achieving this?
The thought occurred to me that using INPUT I could implement an edlinstyle text editor but I thought I'd sound this out before committing tothat level of self-harm!
Will finish off by just complimenting you on the quality of the discussionhere. I've been reading through quite a bit of the mailing list archive andit's striking how super nice everyone is. What an amazing community youhave!
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