Vim Syntax update

Brian Evans <b__m__e (a)>

Just a quick note to anyone using the vim syntax I wrote:

I have updated it to work for both *.gmi and *.gemini suffixes. It had 
previously only worked for *.gmi as I was unaware people were using *.gemini

Feel free to re-pull and run `make`:

As an aside: if there are any Windows based Vim users on the list, I would 
love if you were able to try installing this and see if it works. I do not 
have a windows machine (and dont want to spin up a virtual one) to test 
this one and any feedback on that side of things would be very welcome. Or 
if anyone wants anything added, feel free to open an issue or e-mail me directly.

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solderpunk <solderpunk (a) SDF.ORG>

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 06:42:24PM +0200, Brian Evans wrote:
> I have updated it to work for both *.gmi and *.gemini suffixes. It had 
previously only worked for *.gmi as I was unaware people were using *.gemini

Oh, I must have missed the initial announcement!  Sorry.  This is now
listed on the software list.


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