Alex // nytpu alex at
Mon Jul 19 18:42:06 BST 2021
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On 2021-07-19 10:05AM, Jason McBrayer wrote:
For a similar subset of problems, ePub is a great option, and far, far
better on small screens, but since ePubs are, at base, zipped folders
of HTML files, you still have a subset of the "why not a subset of
HTML" problem. I'm not 100% sure how restrictive the ePub
specification is, though, so it might not be a real problem at all.I think a well-formatted EPUB is the best format for rich-text documentstorage and transfer. Bad EPUBs are just as bad as bad PDFs, but goodEPUBs (I point to Standard Ebooks[1] as the best EPUBs ever produced)are easily renderable and customizable. EPUBs have lots of semanticmarkup to allow for very rich rendering (but can also be mostly ignoredfor simple readers), and as long as you use strict XHTML then thesoftware doesn't have to have tag soup parsing or anything like that.Plus, unlike the Web, ebooks' CSS is more of a "suggestion" that isusually overridden by the ereader, and mostly exist as sensible defaultswhen the ereader had no specific preference configured.
[1]: And their toolchain and templates are CC0 so you can make your own Ebooks with their quality!
-- Alex // nytpualex at nytpu.comgpg --locate-external-key alex at nytpu.comKey fingerprint: 43A5 890C EE85 EA1F 8C88 9492 ECCD C07B 337B 8F5B next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed...Name: signature.ascType: application/pgp-signatureSize: 833 bytesDesc: not availableURL: <>