Is it too late to consider adding a subset of Markdown to the render spec?

Andrew Singleton <singletona082 (a)>

This way the files themselves are still effectively plain text andit's on
the browser to render text formatting

Maybe it's one of those 'thigns that don't matter' things, especially when
we're in an early stage of 'hey we are only sorta getting the bare basics
working' but I felt it was worth considering for when rendering becomes
more of a focus.

Also hi, I'm new here. I unfortunately don't have any real technical
background. I just like the idea of a sort of middle ground between HTTP
and Gopher that's still 'advertising and bloat hostile.' Given my poor
vision and my interest in low bandwidth networking a text centric thing
suits me.

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solderpunk <solderpunk (a) SDF.ORG>

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 01:02:43AM -0600, Andrew Singleton wrote:
> Also hi, I'm new here. I unfortunately don't have any real technical
> background. I just like the idea of a sort of middle ground between HTTP
> and Gopher that's still 'advertising and bloat hostile.' Given my poor
> vision and my interest in low bandwidth networking a text centric thing
> suits me.

Welcome, glad you like the goals of the project!

I had actually been planning to make a spec change this weekend, which
would add to the text/gemini definition the verbatim text block idea
(since nobody spoke out strongly, or even weakly, in opposition to it
after my last email on the subject) as well as a *subset* of the
strictly optional extra features we discussed, including e.g. headings
beginning with # and non-nested unordered lists with *, both as per

Further, after making that change I plan to decree "absolutely no spec
changes for at least six months (or maybe three, let's see how extreme
I'm feeling on Sunday), unless some kind of horrible serious problem is
discovered (I can't imagine what that could be)".  I don't even want to
seriously *discuss* possible spec changes for that long.

The reason for this is that we are operating far too much in a vacuum.
There is still very little original content in Geminispace, and even
less of it which isn't *about* Gemini.  There are plenty of features in
the current spec which nobody has used yet, as far as I know, or have
not been used for anything other than fun little tests.  We have
multiple server implementations, multiple client implementations and
now even a search engine!  I have offered free Geminispace at to anybody who wants it.  It is high time for
us to actually build stuff with what we have achieved so far.


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Ciprian Dorin Craciun <ciprian.craciun (a)>

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 11:44 AM solderpunk <solderpunk at> wrote:
> I had actually been planning to make a spec change this weekend, which
> would add to the text/gemini definition the verbatim text block idea
> (since nobody spoke out strongly, or even weakly, in opposition to it
> after my last email on the subject) as well as a *subset* of the
> strictly optional extra features we discussed, including e.g. headings
> beginning with # and non-nested unordered lists with *, both as per
> CommonMark.

If you are adding a good portion of CommonMark to the specification,
then why not make take a sub-set of CommonMark?

For example:

syntax `=> link description`";  (or even better `=>

Then no-one needs to re-implement yet another markup language, and can
just re-use their favourite CommonMark parser and feed it this

Granted this would open the door for people to just ignore the spec
and use full CommonMark syntax, but then one could implement "linters"
on the server side (or even in the client side) to check that only the
Gemini sub-set syntax is used.

> Further, after making that change I plan to decree "absolutely no spec
> changes for at least six months (or maybe three, let's see how extreme
> I'm feeling on Sunday), unless some kind of horrible serious problem is
> discovered (I can't imagine what that could be)".  I don't even want to
> seriously *discuss* possible spec changes for that long.

Why not add a version like `text/x-gemini-2020-03`?

Moreover section 6 of RFC 2046 (governing the MIME types) states:

A media type value beginning with the characters "X-" is a private
value, to be used by consenting systems by mutual agreement.  Any
format without a rigorous and public definition must be named with an
"X-" prefix, and publicly specified values shall never begin with


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Sean Conner <sean (a)>

It was thus said that the Great Ciprian Dorin Craciun once stated:
> Why not add a version like `text/x-gemini-2020-03`?
> Moreover section 6 of RFC 2046 (governing the MIME types) states:
> ~~~~
> A media type value beginning with the characters "X-" is a private
> value, to be used by consenting systems by mutual agreement.  Any
> format without a rigorous and public definition must be named with an
> "X-" prefix, and publicly specified values shall never begin with
> "X-".
> ~~~~

  RFC-6648 deprecates that practice (surprised me too when it was pointed
out to me).  So either:




would be fine.  


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Jason McBrayer <jmcbray (a)>

solderpunk <solderpunk at SDF.ORG> writes:
> The reason for this is that we are operating far too much in a vacuum.
> There is still very little original content in Geminispace, and even
> less of it which isn't *about* Gemini.

Definitely some of this is my bad. Life has really caught up with me.
Now that there's a search engine, I may start publishing my blog/phlog
to my Gemini capsule, rather than keeping my capsule separate. I can't
rely on security-through-obscurity to hide stuff I don't want on my
public web page anymore.

Jason McBrayer      | ?Strange is the night where black stars rise,
jmcbray at | and strange moons circle through the skies,
                    | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.?
                    | ? Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow

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