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Apps Getting Worse

gemproj at suckless.anonaddy.com gemproj at suckless.anonaddy.com

Tue Aug 10 20:58:13 BST 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

He does make a few great points about why things happen. I can't agree withthe conclusion. At all

PMs rarely have time to think up stuff for consumers. They are busycollecting the feedback of users, consumers. In B2C at least. And literallyeveryone has an opinion of what's missing in a product, or two or threeopinions. And that's why things go downhill. Some people like to swipeleft, others swipe down. You can't have both.

Things like protocols and frameworks and libraries can be feature complete.In theory. If you have a modular thing, and you are bold enough to claimthat it's feature complete. Most people who build something that takes offdon't have the balls to claim that. Maybe because they fear their productgets forked or someone passes by that takes the headstart and makes abetter product, as if that was a bad thing.

There is some good in progressing forward, but if everyone is doing it, thegood in standing still gets lost. That's how I see it at least


On Tue, 10 Aug 2021, 18:08 Stephane Bortzmeyer 'stephane at sources.org',<gemproj+stephane=sources.org at suckless.anonaddy.com> wrote:

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stephane at sources.org and has been forwarded by AnonAddy.
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There have been discussions here about whether or not it is a good
sign that a program no longer evolves and just stays what it is (which
one of the goals of Gemini). In this good article, Tim Bray explains
why programs change and why it is often a bad idea.

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