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Gemini Digest, Vol 25, Issue 9

P Del pthomasdelaney at gmail.com

Sun Aug 15 03:51:13 BST 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I’ve only just begun my foray into Gemini so im interested to see otherworkflows. Im currently writing my capsules (as with most everything else)in emacs and uploading via tramp. I’ve been writing a very simple andprobably unnecessary static site generator for table of contents andheader/footer generation. I have an old T60 with 9front on it that I intendto use soon writing with acme

On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 12:42 PM <gemini-request at lists.orbitalfox.eu> wrote:

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Today's Topics:
1. [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and upload
to your capsules? (Andrew Singleton)
2. Re : [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules? (K?vin)
3. Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules? (Alex // nytpu)
4. Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules? (Alan Morgan)
5. Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules? (Chris McGee)
6. Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules? (panda-roux)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:39:07 +0000 (UTC)
From: Andrew Singleton <singletona082 at gmail.com>
To: gemini at lists.orbitalfox.eu
Subject: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and upload
to your capsules?
Message-ID: <9a83d6a6-2906-4a07-b807-a36cbdec9341 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
This isn't a question of server software, or anything backend related
(unless the pages are generated by the server.)
Example: When I was on windows 10 I used notepad and now that I am on
Linux mint I use xed to write the actual page content of my capsules.
Granted the fiction writing components may be written in other programs
(most notesbly focus writer) but for the sake of avoiding BOM and any other
potential snarls I copy paste everything into xed for the sake of
formatting and saving as gmi before upload.
I use filezilla to upload that content both because I find it handy to
have an active sit backup that also contains content drafts that I can then
zip and back up to several locations, and because flounder explicitly
allows sftp.
What do you guys use?
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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:53:11 -0000
From: K?vin <gemini at ml.oh.mg>
To: Andrew Singleton <singletona082 at gmail.com>
Cc: gemini at lists.orbitalfox.eu
Subject: Re : [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules?
Message-ID: <162896359175.7.3451121195964957135.11625035 at ml.oh.mg>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
??????? Original Message ???????
Le samedi 14 ao?t 2021 ? 19:39, Andrew Singleton - singletona082 at
gmail.com a ?crit :
What do you guys use?
I have a fairly simple method, I'm currently using a VPS (although I'm
going to move this to a in house server) to store the content + generation
tools on a shared storage drive (for backing up).
I write everything in nano (and this is why it's totally riddled with
spaling arrars) in gmi format, then use a script to generate the gmi + html
structure of the site and push it to the production servers using rsync +
When I move it to a home server then it'll be a bit more different, I'll
use a crontab to run the generator, rsync, and sitecopy from a mount
directory on a NAS drive so I can edit the files on my laptop using a basic
text editor, then drag and drop the final product on to the NAS drive for
generation later that day.
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Message: 3
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 12:11:35 -0600
From: Alex // nytpu <alex at nytpu.com>
To: Gemini Mailing List <gemini at lists.orbitalfox.eu>
Subject: Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules?
Message-ID: <20210814181135.g7ucjnavwtwjsxdh at GLaDOS.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
My feed aggregator page is generated server-side by comitium on a cron
And my cheetah-a-day page is also generated server-side with a crappy
bot I wrote on a cron job:
I use a tool I wrote to generate the atom feed and index page on my
gemlog, this I run locally before I sync my capsule:
Everything else is written manually (including index pages, etc.) in
native gemtext format in neovim[0], and I have a local git repository
with my entire capsule that I sync to my VPS with rsync[1].
The conversion to HTML for my website is done on-the-fly by kineto:
So I guess a lot of my capsule is more automated than most, but I try to
only use software written by me for automation on my capsule (everything
other than kineto).
[0]: Gemini syntax highlighting for vim:
[1]: I use a simple shell function to exclude the auto-generated
directories and stuff I don't want copied like drafts folders:
Alex // nytpu
alex at nytpu.com
gpg --locate-external-key alex at nytpu.com
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Message: 4
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 13:20:30 -0600
From: Alan Morgan <alanxoc3 at gmail.com>
To: Andrew Singleton <singletona082 at gmail.com>
Cc: gemini at lists.orbitalfox.eu
Subject: Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules?
<CAHB+YnYex=> 9160uTD3g46BqOOGKJWQXBgAL_g57Lk7CFAV3opw at mail.gmail.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I created an automated workflow too, though probably not as advanced as
My html conversion is also done on the fly with kineto. I modified it a bit
though on a github fork:
The actual capsule is in a git repo:
There's a compile script in that repo that generates headers and most of
the index page. I'm also using rsync to apply those changes.
The git repo is pulled and compiled every 15 minutes with a systemd timer:
I use kakoune to edit files and push to github when I'm ready to publish.
- Alan Morgan
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Message: 5
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 15:23:20 -0400
From: Chris McGee <newton688 at gmail.com>
To: Andrew Singleton <singletona082 at gmail.com>
Cc: gemini at lists.orbitalfox.eu
Subject: Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules?
<CAOk9ws3K6yzx+sxs2BZAW_gAw6om4Oir+Y0zXWn=> d2_HqNaDaQ at mail.gmail.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I will be using acme and git/scp/rsync and server invokable shell scripts
for this shortly. I'm just working on the finishing touches on the SSH
Capsules spec and related tools before I go live with it.
On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 1:39 PM Andrew Singleton <singletona082 at gmail.com>
This isn't a question of server software, or anything backend related
(unless the pages are generated by the server.)
Example: When I was on windows 10 I used notepad and now that I am on
Linux mint I use xed to write the actual page content of my capsules.
Granted the fiction writing components may be written in other programs
(most notesbly focus writer) but for the sake of avoiding BOM and any
potential snarls I copy paste everything into xed for the sake of
formatting and saving as gmi before upload.
I use filezilla to upload that content both because I find it handy to
have an active sit backup that also contains content drafts that I can
zip and back up to several locations, and because flounder explicitly
allows sftp.
What do you guys use?
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Message: 6
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 12:41:45 -0700
From: panda-roux <contact at panda-roux.dev>
To: gemini at lists.orbitalfox.eu
Subject: Re: [Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and
upload to your capsules?
Message-ID: <20210814194145.s47zgk4lospl4wpg at GLOIN>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
My gemlog is stored in a SQLite database and generated by Lua scripts
that my server runs. I have a handful of Lua scripts I use in order to
interface with it. They can all be found here:
Typical workflow looks like running `gemlog new` which creates and opens
a temp file in my editor (Vim) and saves it to the database once I save
and exit. This is done SSH'd into a VPS.
On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 05:39:07PM +0000, Andrew Singleton wrote:
This isn't a question of server software, or anything backend related
(unless the pages are generated by the server.)
Example: When I was on windows 10 I used notepad and now that I am on
Linux mint I use xed to write the actual page content of my capsules.
Granted the fiction writing components may be written in other programs
(most notesbly focus writer) but for the sake of avoiding BOM and any other
potential snarls I copy paste everything into xed for the sake of
formatting and saving as gmi before upload.
I use filezilla to upload that content both because I find it handy to
have an active sit backup that also contains content drafts that I can then
zip and back up to several locations, and because flounder explicitly
allows sftp.
What do you guys use?
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End of Gemini Digest, Vol 25, Issue 9
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