Best practices in Gemini servers
- 📧 Messages: 4
- 🗣️ Authors: 3
- 📅 First Message: 2019-09-10 02:07
- 📅 Last Message: 2019-09-11 02:47
Sean Conner <sean (a)>
- 📅 Sent: 2019-09-10 02:07
- 📧 Message 1 of 4
To get away from the text formatting argument (which I think comprises
over half the messages so far) I thought I might ask for some guidelines as
to the best practice for Gemini servers. I came up with these as I was
reworking my Gemini server (getting ready to release it, as I've had one
person already request a copy). So here we go:
I have this bit of code to check the request:
if loc.scheme ~= 'gemini'
or ~=
or loc.port ~= then
I'm currently returning a "Bad Request" for this, if the protocol, host
and port don't match what is currently configured on my server. The other
possible status is "Proxy Request Refused". My server doesn't do proxy
requests. What should the proper status code be? Is "Bad Request" fine
Next. Each request is run through a series of checks to see if a resource
has moved or is gone:
redirect =
permanent = { ... } -- list of permenent redirects
temporary = { ... } -- list of tempoarary redirects
gone = { ... } -- list of gone items
For any given list, it's checked in the order presented, but the ordering
of the major sections is currently defined as: temporary, permanent then
gone. I keep going back and forth if this shouldn't be: gone, permanent,
temporary or even if it matters.
Next. The actual order of things is:
read request
check redirects
check authorization
check handlers
Each of the checks consist of the path matched against a pattern, and the
first match wins. So for instance (the path fields, for instance, are Lua
patterns---think regex):
redirect =
permanent =
{ '^/source%-code