ANN: in Gemini-space

Julien Blanchard <julien (a)>

Hi there,
I updated my sync script to generate a Gemini file, I figured 
this might interest some of you.

I hope I can update it to be more interesting (from a Gemini standpoint) 
but in the meantime it?s available here: gemini://


Link to individual message.

Sean Conner <sean (a)>

It was thus said that the Great Julien Blanchard once stated:
> Hi there,
> I updated my sync script to generate a Gemini file, I figured
> this might interest some of you.
> I hope I can update it to be more interesting (from a Gemini standpoint)
> but in the meantime it?s available here:
> gemini://

  Very cool!


Link to individual message.


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