WOLFMAN (CRL) ------------- Part 1: (You begin in your room) SEARCH ROOM, EXAMINE CHEST, OPEN DRAWER, GET TUNIC, REMOVE DOUBLET, BURN DOUBLET (so that the villagers won't find it), WEAR TUNIC, LOOK MIRROR (you are covered in blood!), WASH FACE, EXAMINE HANDS (they too are bloody), WASH HANDS, E (the men let you go), N, W, EXAMINE SHOP, EXAMINE LID, GET KEY, E, S, S, E, EXAMINE CHAPEL, MOVE BOARD (you notice a trapdoor in the floor!), OPEN TRAPDOOR, D, EXAMINE CRYPT, EXAMINE CASE, INSERT KEY, PUSH KEY, REMOVE KEY, GET BOOK, READ BOOK, OPEN BOOK, READ BOOK (it is about werewolves), U, W, N, N (you travel far north, ending under a bridge), LOOK, WAIT * 6, CLOSE EYES (the young man passes you), N, N, E, S, GET FLASK, E, S, S, S, FILL FLASK, N, N, N, N, E, S, S, WATER WEED (it blooms), W, N, N, N, E, S, S (the flower has turned blue), SMELL BLUE BLOOM (you see the monk's spirit), W, N, E, S, WAIT (you are 'teleported' to a valley by the monk), S, W, EXAMINE POOL, GET BULLRUSH, E, S, GET FLINT, N, E, CUT CRUST (gas comes out), HIT FLINT (gassen ant�ndes), LIGHT BULLRUSH, W, N, N, E, THROW FLINT (it hits the skeleton. A large iron spear falls from the ceiling!), N, N, W, GET COFFIN, E, S, E, E, WAIT (till the monster follows you), W, W, W, W, HOWL (you become the Wolfman!), E (the monster is killed easily), E, E, E, PUT COFFIN UPRIGHT (how logical! Anyway, you climb up), PUT COFFIN IN RIVER, ENTER COFFIN (you sail to the other cave), S, S, S, GIVE BOOK (the monk gives you a code) Part 2: N, SAY HELLO, SAY WHO ARE YOU, SAY WHERE DO YOU LIVE, SAY WHERE ARE YOU GOING, SAY ARE YOU HUNGRY, SAY ARE YOU THIRSTY, SAY ARE YOU SICK, SAY ARE YOU TIRED, SAY ARE YOU COLD, SAY ARE YOU LOST, SAY WHAT IS WRONG, SAY CAN I HELP YOU, SAY FOLLOW ME (you walk together to your home), N, LOOK AROUND, EXAMINE WINDOW, PULL CURTAINS (this protects David against the moon), REMOVE CLOTHES, GET IN BED, KISS DAVID (you fall in love. The next day David journeys onwards. He encounters some guards who ask about his destination), ANSWER ASHENLEA (they throw you in jail), PRETEND TO DIE (as the guards arrive to look at you you escape to a small room), LOOK AROUND, EXAMINE CEILING, JUMP (you climb up the pole so the guards don't find you), D, N, E, N, W, N, W, S, W, S, SEARCH ALCOVE, GET NET, GET NAIL, BEND NAIL (into a hook), UNRAVEL NET (you make a rope), TIE CORD TO HOOK, N, E, N, E, E, U, W, W, D, EXAMINE GRILL, LOWER HOOK (a key hooks on), U, E, E, D, W, W, UNLOCK DOOR, N, GET SWORD, GET ARMOUR, EXAMINE PEG (the items belong to Olaf), S, E, E, U, W, W, S, KILL GUARD (without your armour you are silent and easily kill the guard), WEAR ARMOUR, N, E, E, S, S, SAY OLAF (you go on patrol), REMOVE ARMOUR, JUMP (you jump into the water and swim to the shore), W (the moon is shining. You arrive at Ashenlea as the Wolfman!), LOOK AROUND, STEP TRAP (you are stuck in the trap until next morning), SHOUT (the hermit comes to your aid), THANK HERMIT (another hint!) Part 3: (You meet the monk), SAY NEZMOOR (you travel to Nezmoor), N, N, E, S, E, LOOK AROUND (you notice a pillar which rises to the ceiling), U, LOOK AROUND, GET CLOAK, SEARCH FLOOR, GET DIAMOND, D, W, N, W, W, N, SEARCH FLOOR, GET POUCH, S, W, S, W, GET CHAIN, E, S, W, S, TIE CHAIN ACROSS DOORWAY, S, E, U, EXAMINE ALTAR, EXAMINE CARVING (it has a depression in the middle), INSERT DIAMOND (it focuses the moonlight), SLEEP (you wake up as the hunters try to kill you - the chain warns you in time), D, W, EXAMINE WALL, PRESS BUTTON (the wall slides away!), U, U, U, U (you see some light in the distance), LOOK AROUND, EXAMINE FLAGSTONES (one has a ring insert), LOOK AT MOON (you become the Wolfman and move the stone), N (to the hunters), LOOK AROUND (you spot a tree), U, OPEN POUCH, THROW POUCH (it hits the fire and explodes), D, EXAMINE BODY, GET DAGGER, EXAMINE HAND, CUT FINGERS (you find a key), GET LOG, BURN DOOR (using the log), U, UNLOCK DOOR (you find Nardia. You continue your travel), N, PICK FLOWER, SMELL FLOWER, N, GIVE CLOAK TO NARDIA (she isn't cold anymore), E, N, N, E, N, W, N, W, N, N, N, N, E (you see one of the hunters), EAT FLOWER (you kill him), KISS NARDIA (finally the curse is lifted. The game is solved!) Hint: To get through the Moonflower-maze, keep picking flowers. The stems will have different lenghts, allowing you to map the area. Jacob Gunness - d.17/2-1991.