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[spec] Sourcehut migration progress-update and Re: [spec] Patience

dalz gemini at alsd.eu

Mon Oct 25 08:08:44 BST 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
I mostly agree with this. I agree we should be "using git directly",
but I don't consider sending around pull-requests to various repos to
be using git directly. Multiple repos are totally fine, but we should
use git's native way of distributing patches: git send-email. I know
that requiring send-email would put some people off, though, so I'm
fine with also accepting patches via the method you described above.

Git does have another native way of sharing changes:`man git-request-pull`. You upload your repo somewhere publiclyaccessible and kindly ask upstream to pull some commits from there.Maybe Alex meant this kind of pull requests?

-- dalz