LORDS OF TIME (Level 9) ----------------------- (You begin in your own room) LOOK, GET HOURGLASS, GET PICTURE (Father Time tells you about the evil Timelords), N, GET CANDLE, GET MATCHBOX, WIND CLOCK, IN, DROP HOURGLASS. Hereafter, you must start each time period by TURN COG X and PUSH PENDULUM. ZONE 1: PRESENT DAY part I N, N, N, GET PICK, GET PLANKS, S, S, W, W, OPEN DOOR, W, U, N, DROP PICK, GET RUCKSACK, WEAR IT (you can now carry many items), GET PICK, GET ROPE, EXAMINE RUBBISH, GET OPENER, S, W, GET CASE, E, D, GET SPEAR, S, OPEN CUPBOARD, GET TIN, W, GET GLASS, GET METRONOME, OPEN DOOR, W, NW, GET VALERIAN, SE, W, U, N, TIE PLANKS (using the rope, forming one long plank which can span the river), DROP IT, W, GIVE GLASS (you receive a lodestone), E, S, U, E, SW, GET KEYS WITH LODESTONE, OPEN DOOR, IN, GET AXE, GET SHOVEL, OPEN DOOR, OUT, NE, W, U, S, CHOP WILLOW (it leaves a tear), GET * TEAR *, N, U, E, SW, E, E, EXAMINE HEAP, EXAMINE HEAP (you find a coin and some mushrooms), EAT MUSHROOM (this allows you to see the Tooth Fairy, who prevents you from taking the coin), LOOK, E, EXAMINE CAR, GET PETROL, D, DROP AXE, DROP METRONOME, DROP LODESTONE, DROP VALERIAN, DROP CASE, DROP TEAR. ZONE 2: THE ICE AGE N, N, NE, W, POUR PETROL, LIGHT MATCH, LIGHT PETROL (the mammoth sheds its fur!), GET * TUSK *, GET COAT, WEAR COAT (it protects you against the cold), E, U, U, GET BONE, U (the spear keeps the tiger away), OPEN TIN, GIVE TIN (the tiger becomes happy, but it has a sore tooth), GET TOOTH, LIGHT MATCH, LIGHT CANDLE, IN, S, SHOUT (the icicle falls down), GET ICICLE, N, E, E, GIVE BONE (the fox leaves), E, HIT WALL (with the pick), S, GET CANDELABRA, N, W, S, THROW ICICLE (the lake freezes over), NW, NW, SMASH CUBE (the Ice Queen hands you a sword), S, IN, W, D, D, DROP SPEAR, DROP OPENER, DROP TUSK, DROP CANDELABRA, DROP PICK ZONE 1: PRESENT DAY part II N, W, W, OPEN DOOR, W, W, OPEN DOOR, W, SW, E, E, GIVE TOOTH, NO (the Fairy also offers you a firefly - it replaces the candle when that has burned out), YES, E, D, DROP COIN. ZONE 3: THE STONE AGE N, E, E (dinosaurusen f�lger efter dig), W, W, W, W (the dinos kill each other), W, GET LEAVES, GET MIRROR, GIVE LEAVES (the dinosaur pulls you out of the pit), WAVE MIRROR (and is trapped in the mirror), E, U, IN, DROP MIRROR (the dino scares the cavemen away), N, GET * EGG *, NE, GET CLUB, E, NW, W, GET PEBBLE, SE, N, THROW PEBBLE (the skeleton shatters), E, GET FIGURINE, W, SE, THROW CLUB (it hits the man. The woman hands you a nugget as a reward), S, EUREKA, IN, JAMES WATT (the letters, ordered), IN, GET WHEEL, D, DROP WHEEL, DROP EGG, DROP FIGURINE. ZONE 4: THE VIKING ERA N, N, GIVE COAT (the guard gives you a lur), SE, E, E, DIG, DIG, GET PARCHMENT, READ IT (it tells you where the pirate is hiding), DROP IT, W, SW, PUSH STONE, W, W, W, W, U, U, E, OPEN CHEST (the pirate jumps out and steals one of your belongings), BLOW LUR (the men appear and catch. You are given * BRANCH * in return), IN, GET KEYS (or whatever Pete stole from you), PULL HANDLE, DROP LUR, DROP BRANCH. ZONE 5: THE MIDDLE AGES N, N, E, GET MILESTONE, E, OPEN DOOR, N, GIVE NUGGET, GET ALE, OPEN DOOR, S, E, E, E, GIVE ALE (the guard gives you some food), W, W, N, E, E, GIVE FOOD (to the dragon. It offers to fly you across the moat), YES (you take off. The dragon drops a wing), GET * WING *, KISS FROG (surprise! It turns into a prince), GIVE SWORD, S, GET GAUNTLET, WEAR IT, SE, W, GET ARMOUR, WEAR IT, S, WAIT, WAIT (the Black Prince attacks, but the armour and the other prince save you), W, D, D, DIG, DIG, GET COFFER, DIG, DROP WING, DROP COFFER, DROP MILESTONE. ZONE 6: THE RENAISSANCE N, N, W, S, GET SWEETMEATS, GET HORN, N, E, E, S, GET CARDS, GET BELL, RING BELL (a jester appears), SHUFFLE CARDS (you find a joker), GET JOKER, GIVE JOKER (the jester hands you * JESTER'S CAP *), N, W, U, U, U, W, S, GET RUG, S, GIVE SWEETMEATS, OPEN OTTOMAN, EXAMINE IT, GET CROWN, N, N, E, E, S, S, GET LUTE, N, N, W, D, PLAY LUTE (a secret panel opens), E, W, W, SW, E, SE, D, DRINK, N, DROP RUG, DROP LUTE, DROP CROWN, DROP BELL, GET COIN. ZONE 7: THE FUTURE N, W, W, GIVE COIN (you receive a groat in return), E, N, U, U, GET STAR (you must wear the gauntlets or your hands become toast!), D, D, S, E, E, N, N, OPEN DOOR, N, W, GET EMERALD, E, N, GET MATTRESS, GET ROCKET, S, OPEN DOOR, S, S, S, E, D (the mattress saves you), S, E, GET SABRE, W, S, OPEN DOOR, W, GET PHIAL, FIRE ROCKET (you climb up), IN, D, GET RUBY, U, OUT, N, KILL CYBERMAN (with the sabre), E, EXAMINE WORKBENCH, GET SCREWDRIVER, W, OPEN ROBOTS (using the screwdriver), EXAMINE ROBOTS (the ruby helps you to find a microchip), DROP CARDS, GET * CHIP *, S, IN, D, D, DROP RUBY, DROP SCREWDRIVER, DROP CHIP, DROP MATTRESS, DROP STAR, DROP EMERALD, DROP GROAT. ZONE 8: THE ROMAN ERA N, N, W, IN, KNEEL, PRAY (you are given some sandals), WEAR SHOES, E, NE, E, IN, GET NET, GET TRIDENT, OUT, W, SW, N, N, N, GET BUCKLE (a gladiator steals it from you), S, S, S, S, S, W, THROW NET, THROW TRIDENT (you have caught the lion and may now freely take the buckle), GET * BUCKLE *, OPEN DOOR, E (you must be wearing the sandals in order to get out in time), E, N, NE, NE, NE, FILL HORN, S, PULL GRATE, S, SE, W, DRINK WATER, W, W, S, DROP HORN, GET BRANCH, GET EGG, GET TUSK, GET TEAR, GET WING, GET CHIP, GET MILESTONE. ZONE 9: TIME OF LORDS N, S, DROP MILESTONE (Father Time appears and opens the door), S, S, S, D, W, S, DIG (did you remember the shovel?), DROP SHOVEL, GET BOTTLE, N, E, S, OPEN CAGES (with the keys), S, OPEN BARS (one of the prisoners hands you * BOX *), E, E, IN, D, D, THROW BOTTLE (the poison kills the plant), E, E, U, U, U, GET CLOAK, WEAR IT (this renders you invisible from the Timelords), OPEN DOOR, U, U, E, THROW WING (into the cauldron), THROW BRANCH, THROW EGG, THROW TUSK, W, E, THROW BOX, THROW CAP, THROW TEAR, THROW BUCKLE, W, E, THROW CHIP (all ingredients are now in the cauldron, and soon the Timelords are defeated. Way to go!!) Jacob Gunness - d.16/9-1990.