There should be a word for that awesome moment when you have a coding problem like "I know what I need to achieve, but I'm not sure about these three things in my way..." and some deep part of your brain pipes up and is like "you seem like a nice guy, I'm going to help you out."
8 months ago · 👍 sirwilburthefirst, innerteapot
Sometimes, tv ads from the 80's can het you unstuck 😁 · 7 months ago
This is how the supra-consciousness manifests itself. Unfortunately, this is extremely rare. But the subconscious climbs where it is not necessary. · 8 months ago
My brain never does this because it is an asshole. It goes “Fuck you, LOL” instead and then starts looping tv commercials from 1985 instead. · 8 months ago
Having an epiphany? :p · 8 months ago