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[ANN] Specification update

Stephane Bortzmeyer stephane at sources.org

Mon Nov 8 15:18:11 GMT 2021

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On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 09:28:41AM -0500, Jason McBrayer <jmcbray at carcosa.net> wrote a message of 15 lines which said:

Please let me know if carcosa.net is among those.

Indeed it is :-(

% agunua carcosa.netWarning, no TLS shutdown received from the server``` __| | ( _` | _|_| _ \(_-< _` | \ -_) _|\___|\__,_|_|\__|\___/___/\__,_|_)_| _|\___|\__|```============================================================

This is the Gemini site for carcosa.net. It is running on Germinal, a Gemini server in Common Lisp.


Could you also post a simple program or script for testing this?


("pip3 install agunua" will work if you have Python installed)