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Uploading content over gemini

Balázs Botond balazsbotond at gmail.com

Fri Nov 12 11:59:15 GMT 2021

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On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 10:24 AM Alex Schroeder <alex at alexschroeder.ch> wrote:

“after yet another discussion on the Gemini IRC channel where people said that the Titan protocol was a bad fit for Gemini, or that it was only fit for the particular wiki needs I had, or that writing stuff on Gemini via the web or uploading files via FTP or SCP was good enough. Well, I disagree. And not only do I disagree, but I wrote plenty of solutions:
I would love for these endless circular discussions to end one day and for people to just write the client they want. Perhaps this is the main problem: people keep thinking about new ways to upload content because they don’t see many clients supporting it, thinking that the existing ideas must be too complex. But that is not true. I even implemented the Iapetus proposal for both client and server! All these proposals don’t need to be discussed, they just need to be implemented – and as I have shown, I think they can be implemented faster than they can be discussed on the mailing list, IRC, or anywhere else.
Just do it.

Fair enough, can't really argue with that. Looks like I need to learnmore about existing solutions, especially Titan. Or implementsomething else if I think something else would be better.