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[Agunua] Not detecting TLS close, specially with error pages (Was: [ANN] Specification update

Stephane Bortzmeyer stephane at sources.org

Thu Nov 18 19:27:26 GMT 2021

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On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 03:28:44AM +0000, Krixano <krixano at protonmail.com> wrote a message of 63 lines which said:

gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/blashsdfh - gemserv

Actually Stargazer, no longer Gemserv.

I just want to make sure about this, are we sure agunua is reporting
things correctly? I find it odd that *every single server* I've
tested has had this problem with the notfound errorcode, but not
with successful requests.

Under investigation:<https://framagit.org/bortzmeyer/agunua/-/issues/50>