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[Off Topic] WiFi HaLow, Mesh, and Low Powered Devices

Andrew Singleton singletona082 at gmail.com

Thu Dec 2 16:42:13 GMT 2021

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I bring this up less because i have any plans (I never have plans.Never have the time or capacity to know far enough ahead of time whenI WILL have time) or Money to do any of the projects I want, butlooking at the theoretical bandwidth limits vs range increase?

Look. I live Simi-Rural. Meaning not so far out that you have hundredsof acres for cattle, or farms or whatever. Just an eight acre piece ofland that's more of a family hobby project than anything. And yet thatis still a fairly sizeable chunk of land so far as traditional wifi isconcerned.

Fine, HaLow isn't intended to be used for netflix, youtube, etc etc.However you look at all those older protocols, or protocols inspiredby those older things (like gemini, or AIM'S OSCAR protocol, etc) andsuddenly that ISDN level of bandwidth is looking pretty roomy.

Sure it's intended for smart devices, and I genuinely do like that asan option since I can check my phone or theoretically make a terminaldevice out of a raspberry pi (i lack the skillset and have poor visionso all the fiddly bits are a bit beyond me) to, say, check the statusof the hot wire for horses (otherwise you get horses destroying thefence to get to the grass on the other side, or out of pure boredom,or because they find it funny,) send commands to turn on/off theshop/barn lights, check a sensor that's connected to the mailbox tosee when it was last opened, state of feed/water levels for animals,etc.

I get that a lot of these things are already products and have beenfor awhile (especially geared for large farms.) I just think somethingmore hobby scale and or something I could build out of maybe fiftybucks worth of parts from your choice in vendor.

Back when Egypt's main internet lines were turned off I had this ideaof what amounted to personal servers that used sftp or some otherprotocol for the sake of file sharing, that also had pages and info upfor browsing along with a personal message board, mailbox, etc. Themain reason I just... never put myself into any projects (aside fromlack of knowledge) was that wifi inherently has, from the standpointof anyone rural, very limited range, thus restricting any sort of meshto densely packed municipalities, which limits usefulness.

Maybe my thinking is too pie in the sky, or 'dude they literally MAKEthose stop being daft.' I dunno.

I just find the lower end of things interesting given how much widerthe net can be cast, especially since this has far better bandwidththan LoRA (as far as i know. Feel free to correct.)

I just... both feel out of my depth, and like I should at least tossmy two bits into the ring to see if anyone's had similar notions.