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0 # Vgmi


2 Gemini client written in C with vim-like keybindings


4 ## Keybindings


6 * k - Scroll up

7 * j - Scroll down

8 * gT - Switch to the previous tab

9 * gt - Switch to the next tab

10 * H - Go back in the history

11 * L - Go forward in the history

12 * gg - Go at the top of the page

13 * G - Go at the bottom of the page

14 * / - Open search mode

15 * : - Open input mode

16 * u - Open input mode with the current url

17 * f - Show the history

18 * r - Reload the page

19 * [number]Tab - Select link

20 * Tab - Follow selected link

21 * Shift+Tab - Open selected link in a new tab

22 * Del - Delete the selected link from the bookmarks


24 You can prefix a movement key with a number to repeat it.


26 ## Commands


28 * :q - Close the current tab

29 * :qa - Close all tabs, exit the program

30 * :o [url] - Open an url

31 * :s [search] - Search the Geminispace using geminispace.info

32 * :nt [url] - Open a new tab, the url is optional

33 * :add [name] - Add the current url to the bookmarks, the name is optional

34 * :[number] - Scroll to the line number

35 * :gencert - Generate a certificate for the current capsule

36 * :forget [host] - Forget the certificate for the host

37 * :ignore [host] - Ignore expiration for the host certificate

38 * :download [name] - Download the current page, the name is optional

39 * :exec - Open the last downloaded file


41 ## Sandboxing


43 ### FreeBSD

44 On FreeBSD, Vgmi uses Capsicum to limit the filesystem and to enter capability mode, it also uses Casper for networking while in capability mode


46 ### OpenBSD

47 On OpenBSD, Vgmi uses Unveil to limit access to the filesystem and Pledge to restrict the capabilities of the program


49 ### Linux

50 On Linux, Vgmi uses Seccomp to restrict system calls and LandLock to restrict the filesystem


52 ### Illumos and Solaris

53 On Illumos and Solaris, Vgmi uses Privileges, separating read, write and networking privileges in different processes


55 ## Dependencies


57 https://www.libressl.org/ LibreSSL - fork of OpenSSL developed by the OpenBSD project

58 https://github.com/termbox/termbox2 termbox2 - terminal rendering library


60 ### Optional dependency

61 https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_image.h stb-image - image loading library


63 ## Building


65 Executing the build.sh script will download all dependencies and build Vgmi