These are just random notes from my first play session of Achaea.
Need to get credits to get a license. Something like 1000 renown for 10 credits. Need 200 credits to get a license. Thinking about cooking since food is needed when you pass level 15 or 20 or something.
Training is from NPCs… not based on skill use.
Trainers are in the cities, so I’m heading to my city (Cyrene).
There was an ice wall on the way to Cyrene.
I was too low to use the tumble skill, so Someone advised me to use hrs for engaginve horse stance and then leap west to leap over the obstruction.
Learn N X from WHOM
Dont pick a higher N than the number needed to reach the next ability.
This might not be an issue anymore? It warns when it should be? Or is that just a newbie thing that will go away after some number of levels?
X is whatever top level skill.
For my Monk, Tekura and Kaido.
and Whom has been Indalacio
To see skill levels…
ab for top level ab SKILL for help text
To use, just typ the SKILL SYNTAX
To go up a belt, ask DENIZEN grading
The result is automatic emotes of doing the kata. The help scrolls make me think this used to be more in depth, possibly requring player interaction.
Stances I know so far:
Syntax Name EGS eagle HRS horse CTS cat RTS rat BRS bear
Punches Syntax Name hkp hook jbp jab pmp palmstrike ucp uppercut spp left|right spearpunch
Kicks Syntax Name sdk sidekick snk snapkick rkh roundhouse
Blocks Syntax Name bdb bodyblock (requires unblock after)
Slam – SLT (throws only work on other players?)
Kaido stuff:
I need more lessons before I can restore my hearing from deaf, but I can deafen myself to avoid damage or attacks based on sound?
simplenod (not emphatic)
nod (too emphatic)
After a say or tell, you can use an emoticon to modify how the tell or said thing is dipslayed.
:) smiles and says :| looks undecided and says :)) smiles broadly and says :/ looks sceptical and says :(& gt) smiles impishly and says :? looks thoughtful and says ;) smiles with a wink and says :B drools and sa
Set up some kind of evasion?
Can those be used in conjunction with toughness, regeneration, vitality? (yup)
Considering the traits I will pick:
man-at-arms (more str) light stepper cheap shot (damage after parry)
updated: 2023-05-05 13:27:13
generated: 2023-11-11