You are not sure what is going to happen to you in the pyramid, but
if Bruce and Andrea want to go in, you don't see how you can refuse.
All three of you enter. The door closes behind you. "This is a data
module," a voice begins. "I will respond telepathically to your brain
waves and will answer all of your questions." "What is the real
secret of the Pyramids?" you ask. "This module is the secret," the
voice answers. "It was left here by the galactic traveler Imhotep in
star year four billion ninety-four. This module was connected by
hyperspace relay to the main galactic computer located in the Sirius
star system. Other pyramids were built to imitate this shape so that
the secret could be protected until the right time." The door to the
module reopens, and the three of you step out into the sunlight.
"This is the greatest discovery of my life," Bruce says after a few
moments of silence. "This is even more exciting than what I had hoped
to find when I came to Egypt. It would be catastrophic if this secret
fell into the wrong hands. But if we use its information properly, we
might be able to solve all of the problems of the world." The End
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