You repeat Al-Din's spell three times. The room begins to spin around

you, then fades away altogether. You seem to be floating in a void.

Are you asleep? Dreaming? You find yourself flying high up over the

ocean on what could be a magic carpet. You awaken in your living room

back home. The phone is ringing. You answer it. Your uncle is on the

phone. "I'm just in from Egypt," he says. "I have to get some new

equipment to continue my investigations of the Pyramids. How would

you like to go back with me for a few weeks?" This is really strange.

Did you just dream everything that happened, or did that magician

really send you back here to start over?

If you decide that it was just a dream, and you would still like to


turn to page 2.

If you say no, knowing what is in store for you,

turn to page 113.


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