The submersible car journeys up the river, just under the surface of
the water. "Not long ago," says Bruce, "I discovered the entrance to
an underwater tunnel that goes from the Nile to the famous step
pyramid at Sakkara. They say Imhotep's tomb is there. I haven't had a
chance to explore this tunnel until now." When you reach Sakkara, the
car enters the underwater runnel. Soon you surface on a broad lake in
an underground cavern. In the center of the lake is an island, and in
the center of the island is a small pyramid about thirty feet high.
It is made of a dull, silvery metal—perhaps platinum. Bruce steers
the car to the edge of the island. The three of you jump ashore. As
you do, a large opening appears in the side of the pyramid. A voice
comes from inside. "If you wish to know the secret of Imhotep, and
the secret of the Pyramids," says the voice, "then all of you must
step inside." "I guess it's all or nothing," says Bruce. Andrea and
Bruce want to go in—which leaves it up to you.
If you decide to go into the pyramid,
If you feel it might be a trap,
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