You pull open the door and dash down a corridor that leads back into
the cafe. You run outside. Two men from the cafe race after you,
shouting in Arabic. You push your way through the crowds, trying to
stay hidden. Which way to go? There is an open door on your right
with a small courtyard inside. You decide to chance it and dart
through the door, slamming it behind you. You lean against the door,
gasping for breath. A hulk of a man appears. He has a heavy, dark
beard and piercing eyes. "Welcome to my house," he says. "Have you
come to buy a magic spell or perhaps something to ward off the evil
eye?" "I need help," you say. "Someone is after me." "In that case,
you are welcome in my humble house. You are safe here. I am Al-Din,
the magician. My magic will protect you." You follow Al-Din up a
flight of stairs into a room with a low table surrounded by cushions.
He serves you some mint tea and tells you about the ancient magic he
practices. "All is illusion," he says. "Here, I will show you. Close
your eyes and repeat this spell three times: abah arah arah abah blah
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