The door to Bruce's room flies open when you yell. "Let's get out of
here fast—and I mean fast!" he shouts. Bruce makes an end run
around the snake and out the door to the hallway, pushing you ahead.
He slams the door shut BLAM! There is a sharp explosion from Bruce's
room. People in nightclothes come staggering half-awake out of their
rooms. You meet Andrea in the hallway. She tosses a long native
jacket to you. Quickly you throw it on. "We'll take the back stairway
down to the basement," says Bruce. "I have a special car—built for
my underwater exploration of the Nile—down there." When you get
there, the three of you jump into the car, and Bruce starts it up. He
heads directly for the wall! At the last moment an electronically
controlled door opens, and the car shoots into a pool of water on the
other side of the door. The car sinks until it is completely
underwater, and then it starts forward.
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