You wake up to find yourself lying on an iron cot in a small
storeroom. You sit up and try to move, and find that one ankle is
chained to the bed. Gradually your eyes become accustomed to the
darkness. There is a small window high above you on the wall, and
through it you can see a crescent moon shining. You can hear the beat
of the music you heard in the cafe. You sit there in the
half-darkness trying to figure out how to pick the ancient-looking
padlock that secures the chain on your ankle. The door to the room
opens slightly, throwing a shaft of light inside. It's bright enough
for you to recognize the dancer from the cafe. Quietly she closes the
door and whispers in your ear. "My name is Serena. I will help you
escape." She inserts a long, thin bar into the padlock on your ankle.
The lock snaps open. "Here, quickly!" she says. "Stand on my
shoulders and climb out the window. It leads to a rooftop. I will
pull myself up and follow." You want to go with her, but you have no
idea who this woman is and where she might be leading you. She could
be getting you into a worse situation. You look at the window high up
on the wall and then at the open door in front of you.
If you decide to accept Serena's help,
If you don't trust her, and try to escape through the door,
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