< Never saw an exit sign


Hi ~ropocl. If you are looking for a non-theistic community, that is focused on personal growth and education, living ethically, supporting others, and pushing back against creeping theocracy in government, you might find it in The Satanic Temple (TST). UUs and Quakers are still Christians, just very watered-down versions of the typical Protestant denominations that are so vocal in the US. I'd encourage you not to let the name put you off. No one is worshipping any kind of devil. TST is an organization of freethinkers and secular humanists, who use the Romantic-era literary figure of Satan (e.g., John Milton's "Paradise Lost") as a metaphor for the eternal adversary against tyranny and oppression (e.g., the church and particularly theocratic states) and the seeker of knowledge and enlightenment (e.g., the apple in the Biblical Garden of Eden story). Here's their website if you would like to learn more:


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~ropocl wrote:

Thanks for the recommendation! I've read about satanism on a few occasions, but it was helpful to see the compare / contrast infographic between TST vs CoS.