馃懡 clseibold

So, just read an article by someone claiming to be a psychologist, and the title reads: "How to Identify a Narcissist: The Two Question Narcissist Test"

I'm so pissed off that things like this get written, let alone get views. Just how manipulative the author seems to be and how she makes these outrageous broad statements like being named after your parent means you have NPD, and that this naming pattern is a "smoking gun", or that she's never met someone who was named after their parent who hasn't had NPD. Like this is just ridiculous.

Internet Psychology is so toxic.

3 days ago 路 馃憤 cobradile94, arubes


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9 Replies

馃懡 murdock

Seems true across a lot of the web. internet journalism (with some notable exceptions) is just as shallow. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 clseibold

@gritty @yamato Not just that, but the article is written by someone who has a Behavioral Psychology degree and an MFA in creative writing, and they claim to work at a college as a writing professor. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 gritty

@yamato I agree, but people still read them with interest. click bait or no. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 yamato

Most articles on the Web are literally designed to attract attention and generate user traffic, so they appear at the top of Google searches and more users are likely to click on sponsored ads. They don't care if the content of the article is true or not. It might even be created entirely by AI and precisely tailored to attract readers.

The big Web is not a place where one should search for opinion articles anymore. It is a corporate tool to sell goods and services, and manipulate the general public. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 steve_dracula

I see you're all talking about me. Keep it up. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 clseibold

@gritty What's ironic is this inaccurate two-question test isn't even necessary, becasue there's research that suggests narcissists will just tell you that they are narcissists, so all you really have to do is ask them "Are you a narcissist?", lmao. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 clseibold

@gritty You can find the article here if you are interested: https://medium.com/@SPClusterB/how-to-identify-a-narcissist-the-two-question-narcissist-test-fba7e75b10b8

Take it with a grain of salt please :)

I already went on a rant getting angry that such a thing exists, so just want to warn that it could make you angry, lol.

sigh* Why is it always the spirituality people and spirituality "gurus" that write these misinformation articles and always talking like they're the best empaths in the world? It's just tiring and I wish it would stop. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 gritty

I don't know the article but I'm named after a parent. I'm pretty far from narcissism, I just asked my partner. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 clseibold

Another quote from them, about narcissists:

"Therefore they think like toddlers: I know! I'll say these are things that they did to me!!!
So, a cheater will tell their flying monkeys you cheat. A racist will say you're a racist. A misogynist will call you a feminazi. A closeted homosexual will say they suspect you f{body}amp;@ your friends." 路 3 days ago