adding onto this a bit: before i made the client-server protocol chat2me, i made a peer-to-peer client inspired by the likes of ed and classic phone calls where you had a direct line connected by an operator.
i called it p2pc, and i still have the source code if you want to email me over at it's entirely plaintext unextended ASCII using TCP/IP; all you need to chat to someone else is an IP and the port they're listening on!
all you need ... is an IP and the port they're listening on!
Sure. But this is quite a tall order in my opinion. I'm living behind an IP address, which changes daily. I don't want my routers IP address be accessible under a known name (think dyndns). I don't want my router to allow any connections initiated from the internet. I don't want to poke holes into that. Plus uplink speed is so low, that you don't want to run anything substantial from this IP address.
So? Well, not all is lost. I have a hidden onion service running. I can access it only through TOR and only if I provide some extra bit which authorizes me to connect to this service. This way, the connection is really initiated from my router to the TOR guardian node. This hidden onion service provides ssh access to a specific machine, iff I can provide the associated ssh keys. This could work for a chat server too, provided all participants pre-share some key material.
That is my opinion, however, I don't feel entitled to give out proper advice.