Go BLUE for Limerick event, to raise awareness of common disease

Faye Dorgan, 13 Nov

RAISING awareness and to end the stigma of one common disease has

prompted a colourful walk/run event.

Mid-West Diabetes Advocacy Group is hosting a walk/run route from the

Strand Hotel, which will be lighting up blue for World Diabetes Day.

This Tuesday, November 14, people can join the event at 7pm, wear blue

in support of the day and sign the pledge to end diabetes stigma.

The walk/run route starts at the corner of Sarsfield Bridge and ends at

Crew Brew.




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A range of businesses and buildings in Limerick will be lighting up in

blue along with the Strand Hotel in support of the event, which marks

the beginning of the walk or run along the three bridges.

The walk and run is ending at Crew Brew, who will also be going blue in

support of the day, and are hosting the Mid-West Diabetes World

Diabetes Day after party!

There is no registration, and people can meet at either point. The

Mid-West Diabetes Advocacy Group’s World Diabetes Day event is one of

161 registered events with the International Diabetes Federation in 62

countries marking the day of awareness.

World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 and became an official

United Nations Day in 2006. It is marked every year on November 14, the

birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with

Charles Best in 1922.