Rory Mooney, 13 Nov
Home and personal security and safety items will be offered to victims
of domestic abuse who are living in the Derry City & Strabane District
to help them feel safer at home and when they're out and about.
Funded by Derry & Strabane Policing and Community safety Partnership
(PCSP), the equipment incudes personal safety alarms and home security
equipment such as motion detectors.
Foyleside and The Moor Neighbourhood Policing Team Constable Rebecca
Nelson said: “We are very grateful to Derry & Strabane PCSP for funding
this equipment.
"Our aim is to ensure that victims feel safe, and feel supported by
police. We believe this equipment will help victims feel safer at home,
and when they’re out and about.
"We also hope it gives them the reassurance we are doing all we can as
a Police Service to support and protect them.
“Tackling domestic abuse, in all its forms, remains a top priority and
we will continue to relentlessly pursue perpetrators and work with our
partners to create safe places in our communities for victims to reach
out for help.”
PCSP Chair, Cllr Sandra Duffy, said: “Derry and Strabane PCSP are
delighted to announce that they are providing small items of security
to PSNI for inclusion in domestic abuse packs. The domestic abuse packs
will be handed out by PSNI to victims or those at risk of becoming
victims of domestic abuse within the Derry City and Strabane District
Council area.
“The aim of this partnership approach is to help tackle domestic abuse
in all its forms by giving victims within our community who reach out
for help a sense of control to feel safe and secure in their home
against their perpetrator.”
The purchase of this security equipment is in addition to CCTV cameras
funded by Derry & Strabane PCSP last year, which were installed at the
homes of victims of domestic abuse in the city and District deemed as
being at high risk.
At the end of September 2022, the Police Service of Northern Ireland
launched the first Tackling Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG)
Action Plan, vowing to use every power available to pursue those who
seek to harm women and girls, and also by working with partners.
Anyone suffering domestic abuse, or any other type of abuse,
intimidation or violence are urged to come forward and report any
concerns to the police. All reports will be taken seriously, followed
by transparent and professional investigations.
If you have any reason to think someone is in immediate danger, or your
life may be at risk, call 999.
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse or any other type of abuse or
intimidation, or are concerned for someone who is, report it to us
by calling 101.
Calling ‘999’ for help, but too afraid to speak? Dial 55 on your mobile
phone when calling in an emergency and the operator will know that you
need to be put through to police.