Derry's Monica's Children in Crossfire skydive

Catherine McGinty, 13 Nov

Well-known Derry singer Monica McGuigan has her feet firmly back on

solid ground following her fundraising 15,000ft skydive for local

charity, Children in Crossfire.

Monica and several other Derry people took the big leap on Saturday,

October 14 with Garvagh-based Skydive Ireland, raising a fabulous


Speaking to Derry Now, Monica said she would do anything to help

Children in Crossfire give children in Tanzania and Ethiopia “a better

start in life, a better education.”



Derry's Monica McGuigan skydiving for Children in Crossfire

'I would do anything to help Children in Crossfire to give children a

better start in life, a better education' - Monica

“It was really uncertain whether we would be able to do the jump or not

because the weather was a bit dodgy. I had to wait for the phone call

from Aisling [Cunningham], Children in Crossfire’s fundraising


“I got the phone call at about half nine and I had to be in Garvagh

before 11 o’clock, so it was a wee bit of a James Bond moment, dashing

up the road, to do a bit of training and get the flight.

“But when we got there, we were told again, ‘It might not happen’

because the weather was very windy, even though the sky was pure blue.

“Apparently, when they see the sun in between the clouds they can do it

because you have to be able to see the ground from the plane,” laughed


“Anyway, there was a break in the clouds and they said, ‘Right, come

on, we’re going now’ and that was it, we were taken to the plane,” she


Monica said she had no problem going up in the plane.

“It was the thought of coming back out of it again was the problem

“I got on the plane and my whole insides were churning. I thought,

‘What in under God am I doing?’

“The fella I was jumping with strapped me in and he got me attached to

him inside the plane. What made it worse was we were the last ones to

jump out of the plane.

“We got to 15,000 feet and when we got to the door of the plane,

because your man was sitting on the edge of the plane, I was hanging

out the door. I did not like that bit at all. But, It was too late then

to turn back and I was shunted out of the plane.

“You go out head first. I found it very sore on my head, really, really

painful, the cold. It was like the worst brain freeze you could

imagine. And I just kept thinking, ‘I wish we were on the ground.’”

Monica was relieved once the parachute opened.

“It was gentler,” she said, “It wasn’t so bad. Your man was pointing

out all these landmarks to me and I kept just looking and thinking

‘Where is the X we were supposed to land on?’ We were in the sir for

about six or seven minutes.

“It was an experience, I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t do it again, but I’m

not going to be rushing up the road.

“I would like to thank everyone who donated. I did the easy bit. I

threw myself out of a plane but people parted with hard-earned money.

They came to me in good faith and said, ‘That is for your charity’.

“I was really overwhelmed at the number of people that came to me

without me actually going around knocking on doors.

“The Derry people are amazing and so generous, kind and good. The

community in Bishop Street where I work is so good. I had so much

support from everybody, so much encouragement from all over.”

Looking to next year, Monica joked she was going back to her walking.

“I’ll keep my feet on the ground and stay on the footpath.”

Seven people did the jump on Monica’s day.

“I would like to thank Patrick and Joseph who kept me company and calm

with their wise cracks, and also Caitlin, Paul, Brenda and Cahir.”

Children in Crossfire’s fundraising, Aisling, described Monica as “a


She added: “Monica should be really proud of what she has achieved for

Children in Crossfire.

“It takes real courage to jump out of a plane at 15,000 feet, but

Monica has courage in abundance and a kind heart too.

“She has raised an incredible £4,582 in loving memory of her

much-missed late husband.

“As well as thanking Monica for supporting us, we want to thank

everyone who supported her.

“The funds she has raised will help us to make life better for some of

the most vulnerable children in the world, in Ethiopia and Tanzania,

and we are deeply grateful to her for that.”