MacD on Music: What the World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love

Paddy Leonard, 13 Nov

Sometimes in life, we come across something that stops us in our

tracks. It can be anything. A painting, a band, a movie, anything.

Since this is a music column, I’ll let you guess which of those things

I’m going to be writing about here.

Last year, at a gig in Bennigan’s (Sanchez, for those wondering), I had

one such experience. I was out the back, watching the support acts, and

one in particular, had that something, that magic that grips you from

the second they step onstage.

That act was Selador. Last week saw the release of Selador’s

much-anticipated single ‘Love Sweet Love’ and, I have to say, it lives

up to the hype. With hints of Led Zeppelin and Rage Against the

Machine, the track is a rock and roll tour de force. I spoke to

frontman Stephen Whiteman, as well as drummer Tom Carlin and lead

guitarist David McConnell, about the group and the song:

Tell me a bit about how Selador came together?

Prior to SELADOR, me and Dave (lead guitarist) were in a band called

SCENERY. Lorcan (Bassist) would have played one or two shows with us as

well. Back then, there was a place for musicians to rehearse called

'LINK ACADEMY', down beside the where the Brickwork bar is now. I met

Tom (drummer) and his brother Jack (guitarist) around that time.

When SCENERY fell through there was a moment where I was struggling to

find my feet again. Dave was the same. We decided to reunite and asked

the other guys to join, and we haven't looked back since.

Who would you say have been your biggest musical influences?

(Stephen) Beatles, Zeppelin, the old African-American soul and blues

records of the 50s, 60s & 70s. Records were different back then. It was

a different type of musicianship. A different time for song writing.

Before the robots came you know. It’s not to say music isn't wonderful

today with all the technological advances that continue innovation.

It's just a different time. You can’t beat the classics!

Tell me about the making of Love Sweet Love?

(Stephen) Anyone who has been in this place for any length of time can

see the separatism that still exists here. It's even in the name,

people can't decide what to call the place. Derry/Londonderry.

The song comes from an observational standpoint growing up. I don't

know if separatism will ever cease to exist in this world. You see

something on the news every day. You see it with Israel & Palestine

right now. All we can hope to strive for in our day to day lives is to

try treat others how we would want to be treated. With love sweet love.

What would you say are your main goals for the future?

(Stephen) I think like anyone growing up, with a passion for music and

a dream to follow. You dream to play bigger & better shows. You dream

to write bigger & better records. You dream to reach a level of

excellence in your art form. You dream one day to make a living from

what you love. It's all of the above.

Maybe above all else however, as an independent artist it is to keep

focused. No one else is going to steer the ship. Most people only

distract you from what's important. I would say - focus everyday.

That's it.

What other local talent do you think we should be keeping an eye on?

(Tom) The local acts around Derry have been phenomenal and constantly

moving, some groups I particularly like are Scol. They’re a great mix

of traditional Irish with electronica and funk. We’ve recently played a

show with Teleazura who’ve also just released a new single and were

great to see live. If you want to see fresh new music I would recommend

the monthly Barzu shows put on by Pilosa, last time they had Scol and

Tomcat who blew everyone away!

Is there anything else coming up you want to talk about?

(David) Apart from our most recent single being released, we plan to

have another record to follow before the end of the year. We feel we

are progressing more and more with every track we record right now, and

we can’t wait to share our music with you so keep your eyes peeled.

And that’s it from Selador. ‘Love Sweet Love’ is out now on all good

platforms so go listen now.

Selador can also be found on Instagram @seladortheband.