Approval for UL plans to change site use at Limerick city campus

Nick Rabbitts, 14 Nov

UNIVERSITY of Limerick (UL) officials have secured planning permission

to change the zoning of its city centre campus and welcome up to 710


Limerick City and County Council has approved the change of use of the

former Dunnes Stores building in Sarsfield Street from its existing use

as retail to educational.

Essentially a procedural change, it means the college can now ramp up

activity at the building which was purchased in 2019.

Prior to this, the complex had lain largely idle since the summer of

2008 when Dunnes went from having three city centre stores to just one.

In documents provided to the council, agents for UL state: “The

proposed change of use will facilitate the principle of flexible




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They confirmed no sole college department will move into the city

centre site.

Rather, they add, the university does expect there to be "constant

footfall" in the space and some students and staff could be permanently

located there from its main campus in Plassey, or located there in


In response to a request for further information from local planners,

representatives for the college added that based on the available seat

numbers in the Sarsfield Street campus, up to 710 students will be able

to be accommodated.

Permission was given subject to five conditions.