________________ / . . /| /_______________/.| Workers of the world, unite! | … … . | | You have nothing to lose | ○ ○ . |.| but your chains. | . .o. . | / |________________|/
I've considered myself a socialist for many years but like many people who consider themselves socialists I have never gotten around to actually reading Capital. Starting in late 2021 I have been attempting to rectify that by finally setting aside time to read it, along with listening to David Harvey's 2019 lecture series on it, which is available for no charge on YouTube.
(If you want to watch the lectures I would suggest downloading them with something like yt-dlp so you don't have to sit on YouTube for hours feeding them data about your viewing activity.)
marxists.org webpage for Capital with download links
YouTube playlist of 2019 David Harvey lectures on Capital
As I read, if I think of anything worth writing about, I'll post on this gemlog. I think reflective writing is pretty useful when learning about new things.