October 2023

Jorge Sanz | 2023-10-30 | 356 words | update

🏠 Personal

October was a very mixed feelings month. I started at Vigo with the trip back from Geocamp. We had a few friend gatherings but by mid-month we were devastated with a friend's 6 years old kid passing away after a three months fighting leukemia. Just the very same week we had a weekend trip to Lleida were the pretty good weather gave us some chance to visit the city. The rest of the month was pretty quiet and easy.

Traditional dancing in Serranos street

We visited an ice parlor in Las Arenas hotel

Lleida view from one of the Segre river bridges

We visited the Roda Roda cars museum

👨‍💻 Professional

Not much to report on the work side. I mostly finished some work on the company serverless effort (that I still need to document) and other internal stuff.

❤️ Community

Not much community effort to report this month. Maybe worth mentioning that I recorded a quick video about my mapping participation to help on the Morocco Earthquakes that should be posted in the company Instagram reels profile. If you see it let me know because I don't use that social network 🙃.

📚 Reading

This month:

You can follow my reading activity at my lectura.social[4] fediverse account.

1: https://lectura.social/book/79631/s/vapor-negre

2: https://lectura.social/book/81435/s/cuando-el-trabajo-mata

3: https://lectura.social/book/82756/s/els-planificadors

4: https://lectura.social/user/jorgesanz

🔊 Listening

A selection of non-musical podcasts from this month:

5: https://pca.st/j6o3EX

6: https://pca.st/8k9gafse

7: https://pca.st/episode/5ce26d2b-67ed-4d26-b7cf-fe56143d0163

8: https://pca.st/d6cor744

9: https://pca.st/4o13bng7

10: https://pca.st/8qntkxyg


Want to comment anything? Continue the discussion here[11] or contact me![12]

11: https://mapstodon.space/@jorgesanz/111329502521888471

12: /contact


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