Because I'm a commie.
To this gemini site? Probably not a lot. I'd be surprised if I write anything extensive that is political any time soon. I registered the domain while blackout drunk. It's a good domain name imo.
I think capitalism is bad.
I think capitalism isn't good.
I'm into communization, which is this wacky ultra-left tendency that's pretty new. Specifically I like a lot of the writing of the Endnotes collective[1], Chuang[2], Sic[3] to an extent, some of Théorie Communiste[4], some Troploin[5] (but Dauvé is an ass, although some of his work is very important at least in how it set the stage for later work), etc etc. Oh, and Ultra[6] was great too!
Yeah, okay, basically I'm a Marxist, but not a Leninist or "Stalinist" or Maoist. But also I don't believe in a primary contradiction so I also think imperialism and colonialism are huge problems that need to be addressed as part and parcel to any communist movement. That's kind of a break with a lot of communization, but there are other communizers who agree. That being said, imperialism and colonialism are concerns most often addressed by MLs (think "Stalinists" but also that's inadequate terminology, and you should probably mistrust any leftist unironically saying "Stalinist") or Maoists, so I often get lumped in with tankies on reddit and twitter. I find leftcoms, anarchists, and trotskyists often far more annoying than MLs and MLMs, in large part because they're ideologies that exist entirely just to say "wah, Stalin bad," and all of their theory is about how butthurt they are at Stalin. I don't really like Stalin, and I don't personally think really any of his contributions to theory are very valuable, but trotskyism is an ideology founded entirely on tears about mean Stalin and it's ridiculous lmao
Yeah, okay, basically I'm a Marxist, but not a Leninist or "Stalinist" or Maoist
Doesn't really matter now, does it?
He's just a capitalist who doesn't want capitalism to kill quite as many people. I suppose he's better than Biden or Trump but electoralism is doomed to fail, and his whole campaign is based around coopting the word "socialist" for radical cred, while not being very radical at all.
But he was never going to win. His base was a group simultaneously not radical and so small and insignificant that it doesn't have the numbers to run a pretty milquetoast compromise candidate who stays viable past Super Tuesday. And if there were a sizeable movement here, he wouldn't need me. And if there were a sizeable movement behind him, then there would be no reason for any actual socialist to be content with him.
It's a fucked up irony that the only reason bernie wasn't able to successfully coopt and recuperate the american leftist movement into a bunch of capitalist nonsense was that there is no american leftist movement.