All Butterfly (Lepidoptera) Discoveries



This list covers all butterfly species I managed to register in my study area so far. Not all observations, despite greatest effort, could be fully specified.

I'm hoping to be able to further expand this list throughout the years.





[Only one member of this family exists in Europe, yet I still have to

observe one Hamearis lucina in the wild.]




+ Prior research conducted in my area listed this species, however due to adults being indistinguishable from Colias alfacariensis, I still am searching for caterpillars to properly confirm it, as those are vastly different from each other.

++ One paper from 2012 states that this species diappeared between the late 90's and 2011 from one of its last remaining habitats, where I possibly spotted it once in 2022. I only succeeded at photographing its upper side, which isn't sufficient enough to identify its exact species, in fact only a closer look at its genitals is the only reliable way to keep it apart from other blues like the more-common Polyommatus icarus.

+++ So far I was able to spot a single individual and only managed to see its upper side for merely two seconds. The photo turned out a little blurry, yet its upper side is not enough to determine its exact species.


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