

I've started a personal wiki!

To give it some focus I've set myself the goal of eventually documenting everything one would need to know to self-host their own capsule (like this) in the same way which will should ultimately touch upon single-board computers, linux, systemd, bash, man, html, css, gemini, creative commons, neovim, krita, gifs, and so much more! I just freestyled that list but the wiki itself will grow organically maybe not even towards those topics and I don't expect to be done anytime soon...

I've also been plucking at the kiln templates some more. For the wiki I utilized custom frontmatter params to give each page a summary that's used in the index list. Frontmatter is metadata for a file that's used during the build but not published explicitly. It looks like this:

title: frontmatter is interesting
  summary: it let's you put some metadata with your documents.

this is the part of the document that actually gets published though.

Kiln has some built-in keys like title and date and some others documented in the man page and you can use your own custom keys inside the params section. Kiln automatically sorts pages by their date and weight keys, for the wiki I'm just using date and manually updating that when I edit a page... or manipulating it so they're sorted how I want right then... the date isn't canon.

Please also enjoy the dancing pixel flowers I created for my footer! Animation in Krita took some manual reading but making a 2 frame gif wasn't too hard. The weird bit to me was that you use the same layer for the animation frames which are stored in memory and also I guess somewhere in the Krita file. If I remember correctly GIMP and Photoshop use layers for each frame? Or can and that's how I have done it. I'm not sure but I really like Krita so I'm not complaining. Anyway... enjoy the flowers!!

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