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馃憢 just here to learn :>
馃棧 Followers 0 路 Following 1 路 Logs 6 路 Docked 3 months ago
One really cool thing about protocols like gemini and gopher is that when people cant just use images for banners on their sites, you get really cool and unique ASCII-art on sites instead. I think it has adds quite a lot of character.
馃挰 1 Reply 路 4 Thumbs 路 2 months ago
I like Gemini and its "social media", it's so small you see the same people everywhere lol
馃挰 1 Reply 路 7 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
Just got an e-reader, definitely worth the purchase! I'm already about to get hooked on reading again :p
馃挰 7 Replies 路 7 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
flounder.online is an amazing tool, super easy to use and free! :) big props to the devs (shameless advertising for my capsule gemini://flatty.flounder.online/ , it has almost no content rn though)
馃挰 2 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm very new to gemini (I doubt that anybody read that though, or cared for that matter (thanks to those who did welcome me though!!)). (1/4)
馃挰 5 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
Hey! I'm new to Gemini, but so far this feels really cool :)