About:NTGS2DD1.SHK ->  With over 12 GB's worth of NTGS music, modules, MODfiles, samples, sounds and instrument files, the contents of this SHK file contains, the first in an endless? series of such files, all contents being released as public domain, for all GS music users to have and enjoy !  You should find them useful with your efforts, when using NTGS v2.0, for editing, enhancing, converting and remixing, with them all !  There's a 'ReadME.NOW' file in the archive, that explains it all !  I hope you'll enjoy them.  Charles T. (Dr. Tom) Turley, Ph.D., 115 Santa Clara St., Brisbane, CA., 94005, USA - Tel. (415) 468-1609:Internet - 3D5D1WSW@Calon.com
POM IIgs Forever